The assault on Sola Scriptura continues.

In a recent talk with Andy Stanley, Pastor of North Point ministries, Russell Moore asked him a question that if he was the ‘evangelical pope’, what would he do. He said other things, but I want to focus on this one thing; he said he would ask Pastors, preachers, and student-preachers to “take the spotlight off of the scriptures and put the focus upon Christ and His resurrection.” Now, this sounds spiritual and all, but huh? He said he did not believe Christ rose again because the bible says so, but because Matthew was an eye witness to His resurrection. Again, this sounds spiritual and all, but again, huh? I mean…srsly? How can this guy be taken seriously?!?!?! How does Mr. Stanley know that Matthew was an eye witness to the Christ’s resurrection? Was it from reading Aesop’s Fables? How about reading Mein Kempf? How about from reading Bazooka Joe bubblegum wrappers? Oh, I know, he read the Farmer’s Almanac and found this out. No is the obvious answer to all those questions. He found out about Matthew’s eye witness account by reading the gospel of Matthew, which the last I knew, was in the scriptures. Without the scriptures, we know nothing of Christ, nothing about His life, nothing about His death, and nothing about His raising from the dead.

He then doubled down an said the early churches grew from AD 30 through AD 312 without having the bible. He is correct they did not have all the 66 books in one compilation called the bible, but those early churches did have the scriptures. What did the Early Church Fathers such as Ignatius and Tertullian quote in their writings? The scriptures. Now, look at this pic of Mr. Stanley and his TV..enough said!!screen-shot-2016-08-29-at-5-49-11-pm